Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Express Tones - Ash - 90ml Pravana PVCSETASH CAD $16.00 True-to-tone, ammonia-free, tones in 5 minutes or less for blondes series & 5-15 minute tones for brunettes series. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Express Tones - Beige - 90ml Pravana PVCSETBEIGE CAD $16.00 True-to-tone, ammonia-free, tones in 5 minutes or less for blondes series & 5-15 minute tones for brunettes series. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Express Tones - Clear - 90ml Pravana PVCSETCLEAR CAD $16.00 No Pigment, use to dilute tone or if more time for application is needed. True-to-tone, ammonia free, tones in 5 minutes or less. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Express Tones - Dark Mahogany - 90ml Pravana PVCSETDMAH CAD $16.00 True-to-tone, ammonia-free, tones in 5 minutes or less for blondes series & 5-15 minute tones for brunettes series. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Express Tones - Neutral Ash - 90ml Pravana PVCSETSMSIL CAD $16.00 True-to-tone, ammonia-free, tones in 5 minutes or less for blondes series & 5-15 minute tones for brunettes series. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Express Tones - Neutral Pearl - 90ml Pravana PVCSETNEUPEARL CAD $16.00 True-to-tone, ammonia-free, tones in 5 minutes or less for blondes series & 5-15 minute tones for brunettes series. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Express Tones - Pearl - 90ml Pravana PVCSETPEARL CAD $16.00 True-to-tone, ammonia-free, tones in 5 minutes or less for blondes series & 5-15 minute tones for brunettes series. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Express Tones - Smokey Silver - 90ml Pravana PVCSETSMSIL CAD $16.00 True-to-tone, ammonia-free, tones in 5 minutes or less for blondes series & 5-15 minute tones for brunettes series. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Express Tones - Violet - 90ml Pravana PVCSETVIOLET CAD $16.00 True-to-tone, ammonia-free, tones in 5 minutes or less for blondes series & 5-15 minute tones for brunettes series. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids - Neon Blue - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVNBLU CAD $18.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS Neons collection offers semi-permanent, non-oxidative hair color designed to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids - Neon Green - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVNGRN CAD $18.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS Neons collection offers semi-permanent, non-oxidative hair color designed to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids - Neon Orange - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVNORG CAD $18.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS Neons collection offers semi-permanent, non-oxidative hair color designed to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids - Neon Pink - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVNPINK CAD $18.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS Neons collection offers semi-permanent, non-oxidative hair color designed to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids - Neon Yellow - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVNYELL CAD $18.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS Neons collection offers semi-permanent, non-oxidative hair color designed to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids - Silver - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVSILVER CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Pravana Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Everlasting - Bewitching Blue - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVELBBLUE-1L CAD $18.00 PRAVANA’s next evolution of permanent hair color that bridges the gap between permanent creme hair color and direct dye. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Everlasting - Enchanted Pink - 90ml - Out of Stock Pravana PVCSVVELENPINK CAD $18.00 PRAVANA’s next evolution of permanent hair color that bridges the gap between permanent creme hair color and direct dye. View
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Everlasting - Mystic Magenta - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVELMYMAG CAD $18.00 PRAVANA’s next evolution of permanent hair color that bridges the gap between permanent creme hair color and direct dye. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Everlasting - Pastel Potion - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVELPASPOT CAD $18.00 PRAVANA’s next evolution of permanent hair color that bridges the gap between permanent creme hair color and direct dye. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Everlasting - Poison Berry - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVELPOIBER CAD $18.00 PRAVANA’s next evolution of permanent hair color that bridges the gap between permanent creme hair color and direct dye. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Everlasting - Scarlette Red - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVELSCARED CAD $18.00 PRAVANA’s next evolution of permanent hair color that bridges the gap between permanent creme hair color and direct dye. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Everlasting - Violet Reign - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVELVIOREI CAD $18.00 PRAVANA’s next evolution of permanent hair color that bridges the gap between permanent creme hair color and direct dye. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Aquamarine - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVAQUA CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Black - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVBLACK CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS collection is semi-permanent, non-oxidative hair color that is designed to be used without developer. VIVIDS Black Additive can be used to smoke out or deepen any of your VIVIDS shades. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Blue - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVBLUE CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS collection is semi-permanent, non-oxidative hair color that is designed to be used without developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Blue Topaz - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVBLTOP CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Emerald - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVEMERALD CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Flame - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVFLAME CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Garnet - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVGAR CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Grape - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVGRAPE CAD $17.00 New cooler-toned purple VIVIDS shade allows for endless customization and unlimited color possibilities. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Green - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVGREEN CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Magenta - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVMAGENTA CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Orange - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVORANGE CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Periwinkle - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVPERI CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Pink - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVPINK-1L CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Purple Tourmaline - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVPURTOUR CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Red - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVRED CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Sangria - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVSANG CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Smokey Silver - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVSMSIL CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Smokey Violet - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVSMVIO CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Sunstone - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVSUN CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Violet - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVVIOLET CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Pravana Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Wild Orchid - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVWILORC CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - ChromaSilk Vivids Original - Yellow - 90ml Pravana PVCSVVYELL CAD $17.00 The ChromaSilk VIVIDS range consists of non-oxidative, semi-permanent hair colors specifically formulated to be used without a developer. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - Color Enhancer - Aqua Blue - 148ml Pravana PV29ABLUE CAD $39.00 PRAVANA’s Color Enhancers not only deposit beautiful, vibrant pigment, they’re also proven to mend split ends so hair is smoother, healthier and more manageable than before. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - Color Enhancer - Silver - 148ml Pravana PV29SILVER CAD $39.00 PRAVANA’s Color Enhancers not only deposit beautiful, vibrant pigment, they’re also proven to mend split ends so hair is smoother, healthier and more manageable than before. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - Color Enhancer - Violet - 148ml Pravana PV29VIOLET CAD $39.00 PRAVANA’s Color Enhancers not only deposit beautiful, vibrant pigment, they’re also proven to mend split ends so hair is smoother, healthier and more manageable than before. Add to cart
Hair Colour Pravana - Color Enhancer Pink - 148ml Pravana PV29PINK-3L CAD $39.00 PRAVANA’s Color Enhancers not only deposit beautiful, vibrant pigment, they’re also proven to mend split ends so hair is smoother, healthier and more manageable than before. Add to cart
-CAD $12.00 Conditioners Pravana - Color Protect - Conditioner - 1000ml Pravana PV02CPCL-18L CAD $42.00 CAD $54.00 Pravana Color Conditioner is proven to improve manageability and color longevity, while adding shine and smoothness for soft conditioned hair. This conditioner protects hair color and prevents against color fading. Add to cart
-CAD $6.00 Conditioners Pravana - Color Protect - Conditioner - 325ml Pravana PV02CPC111 CAD $22.00 CAD $28.00 Pravana Color Conditioner is proven to improve manageability and color longevity, while adding shine and smoothness for soft conditioned hair. This conditioner protects hair color and prevents against color fading. Add to cart
-CAD $30.00 Pravana Pravana - Color Protect - Litre Duo Pravana PV12CPLDSO21 CAD $78.00 CAD $108.00 Pravana Color Protect Holiday Duo is clinically proven to improve manageability and color longevity, while adding shine and smoothness. Add to cart
-CAD $10.00 Shampoos Pravana - Color Protect Cleanse - 1000ml Pravana PV01CPCL-14L CAD $44.00 CAD $54.00 Pravana Color Protect Shampoo is proven to improve manageability and color longevity, while adding shine and smoothness. Add to cart
-CAD $6.00 Shampoos Pravana - Color Protect Cleanse - 325ml Pravana PV01CPC111 CAD $22.00 CAD $28.00 Pravana Color Protect Shampoo is proven to improve manageability and color longevity, while adding shine and smoothness. Add to cart
-CAD $11.00 Styling Pravana - Fresh - Dry Shampoo - 97g Pravana PV01FDS34 CAD $17.00 CAD $28.00 Use Fresh dry shampoo to create clean and light texture that’s easy to work with and doesn’t weigh the hair down. Add to cart
-CAD $9.00 Treatments Pravana - Hydra Pearl - Oil - 65ml Pravana PV04HPO59 CAD $19.00 CAD $28.00 Pravana HYDRA PEARL OIL is enriched with a powerful Vitamin Complex that adds shine, moisturizes and improves hair’s overall manageability. Add to cart
Conditioners Pravana - Intense Therapy - Conditioner - 1000ml Pravana PV02ITCL CAD $54.00 Pravana Intense Therapy Nourish Lightweight Healing Conditioner provides intense healing with lightweight nourishment for damaged hair giving needed hydration to most hair types. Add to cart
-CAD $6.00 Conditioners Pravana - Intense Therapy - Conditioner - 325ml Pravana PITC325 CAD $22.00 CAD $28.00 Pravana Intense Therapy Nourish Lightweight Healing Conditioner provides intense healing with lightweight nourishment for damaged hair giving needed hydration to most hair types. Add to cart
-CAD $10.00 Pravana Pravana - Intense Therapy - Litre Duo Pravana PV12ITLDSO21-Disc CAD $98.00 CAD $108.00 Pravana Intense Therapy Litre Duo provides intense healing with lightweight nourishment for damaged hair. Improves manageability, maintains smoothness, and adds shine to damaged hair. Add to cart
-CAD $9.00 Pravana Pravana - Intense Therapy Mask - 150ml Pravana PV02ITM150 CAD $19.00 CAD $28.00 Pravana Intense Therapy Treat Masque is an intense healing MASQUE with (extra) nourishment to reduce breakage by up to 98%. This densely nutritive masque improves manageability, smoothness, strength, shine and softness of hair. Add to cart
Shampoos Pravana - Intense Therapy Shampoo - 1000ml Pravana PV01ITSL CAD $54.00 Pravana Intense Therapy Cleanse Lightweight Healing Shampoo provides intense healing with lightweight nourishment for damaged hair. Thoroughly cleanse and remove buildup and impurities while replenishing your hair. Add to cart
Shampoos Pravana - Intense Therapy Shampoo - 325ml Pravana PV01ITS111 CAD $28.00 Pravana Intense Therapy Cleanse Lightweight Healing Shampoo provides intense healing with lightweight nourishment for damaged hair. Thoroughly cleanse and remove buildup and impurities while replenishing your hair. Add to cart
Styling Pravana - Polish & Reunite Split End Mender - 148ml - only 1 left Pravana PV04PR148-1Ld CAD $28.00 Pravana Polish & Re-Unite Split End Mender is a lightweight styling cream that improves smoothness, manageability and shine of hair. Add to cart
-CAD $6.00 Shampoos Pravana - Purify & Revive Shampoo - 325ml Pravana PV01PRS325 CAD $22.00 CAD $28.00 Purify & Revive is a Lactic Acid-powered demineralizing collection to instantly cleanse hair. Add to cart
Styling Pravana - Super Shape Extreme Hairspray - 300g Pravana PV04SSEH10 CAD $28.00 PRAVANA’s best-selling hair spray but with an impenetrable hold! Super Shape EXTREME provides weightless, medium-high hold making it ideal for styles that need to last throughout the day. Add to cart
-CAD $6.00 Shampoos Pravana - The Perfect Blonde - Shampoo - 325ml Pravana PV01PBS111 CAD $22.00 CAD $28.00 THE PERFECT BLONDE Purple Toning Shampoo helps neutralize unwanted yellow tones in the hair while brightening, providing moisture, adding shine and reducing breakage. Kick brass to the curb with PRAVANA''s The Perfect Blonde Purple Toning Sulfate-Free Shampoo for blonde, silver or highlighted hair. Add to cart
-CAD $27.00 Conditioners Pravana - The Perfect Blonde Conditioner - 1000ml Pravana PV02PBC33-68L CAD $27.00 CAD $54.00 Neutralize unwanted yellow tones in blonde, silver or highlighted hair with THE PERFECT BLONDE Purple Toning Conditioner proven to reduce breakage, add shine and moisturize dry strands. Add to cart
-CAD $24.00 Pravana Pravana - The Perfect Blonde Litre Duo Pravana PV12PBLDSO21 CAD $84.00 CAD $108.00 Pravana The Perfect Blonde shampoo & conditioner duo neutralize yellow, brass tones and help eliminate brassiness in blonde, silver or highlighted hair. Add to cart
-CAD $6.00 Treatments Pravana - The Perfect Blonde Seal & Protect Leave-In - 300ml Pravana PVTPBSPLI300-5L CAD $22.00 CAD $28.00 Bring life back to your blonde, silver, or highlighted hair with this multi-purpose leave-in mist that is perfect for repairing, reviving, and nourishing your locks. It is specially formulated to cater to the unique needs of blonde hair, leaving it looking and feeling its best. Add to cart
Shampoos Pravana - The Perfect Blonde Shampoo - 1000ml Pravana PV01PBS33 CAD $54.00 THE PERFECT BLONDE Purple Toning Shampoo helps neutralize unwanted yellow tones in the hair while brightening, providing moisture, adding shine and reducing breakage. Kick brass to the curb with PRAVANA''s The Perfect Blonde Purple Toning Sulfate-Free Shampoo for blonde, silver or highlighted hair. Add to cart
-CAD $9.00 Hair Colour Treatments Pravana - The Perfect Blonde Treat - Purple Toning Masque - 150ml Pravana PV02PBM150 CAD $19.00 CAD $28.00 Pravana Perfect Blonde Purple Toning Masque replenishes and revives dry, damaged strands while toning blonde, silver or highlighted hair in minutes. Add to cart
Treatments Pravana Purify & Revive Prime Spray - 150ml Pravana PV02PRDS150 CAD $34.00 Purify & Revive is a Lactic Acid-powered demineralizing collection to instantly cleanse hair. Add to cart
-CAD $6.00 Conditioners Pravana The Perfect Blonde Conditioner - 325ml Pravana PV02PBC111 CAD $22.00 CAD $28.00 Neutralize unwanted yellow tones in blonde, silver or highlighted hair with THE PERFECT BLONDE Purple Toning Conditioner proven to reduce breakage, add shine and moisturize dry strands. Add to cart